Yes, tomorrow evening you'll find me sacked out on the couch, praising God for His provision on the long drive.
It begins tomorrow at 8am... and ends at 8pm (hopefully!)
Yet the blessing of it has been the addition of my friend, Leah, and her two young girls, who will be caravaning with us through to DC. Hallelujah! As I said to friends tonight, "Can I get a hallelujah for having another adult along to watch my kids in the car while I run in and go pee?"
Taking joy in the little things.
That's what we do best in Gasperini-Ville.
Can't wait to check in again tomorrow night. Your prayers would be awesome! God bless.
When you check in tomorrow night you be in Richmond...and we can't wait!!! Safe travels. God bless Leah and her girls for providing caravaning companionship.
yay! Have a wonderful trip! Take some pictures!
Prayers you'll have :)
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