Oh Heavens! The last week was such a blur... Sorry I've been distant!
I thought of sitting down and posting so many times. Then I got so far behind in general, I abandoned all aspirations and just attempted to make it through to the weekend! Nothing about the week was especially burdensome or overwhelming, it was just a week in the life which means it was the usual nuts. ;)
MG finished it out with some days of high fever, but we're keeping our prayer up that today is the end of it. She's started to rub her ears, though, so it looks like we'll be back at the doc's office for an ear check. We were already there Tuesday for an ear check following a 10-day round of antibiotics for a double ear infection with a perforated eardrum. Perhaps she's going to be my ear kid??? I had pretty infection-prone ears growing up, so I guess she's my girl. Poor thing.
Harkening back to last Sunday, we had a fabulous Easter celebration. I'll let the pictures do the story-telling...

G Fam Easter 2011
(literally the LAST shot in 20 that had everyone looking and happy!)

Our little Easter belle

Gearing up for the 2011 hunt--200 eggs strong

The aftermath--I cannot begin to describe the quantity of candy we have! Thanks Mim/Pop for the spoiling! We are set for desserts 'til at least Autumn. lol
After a delicious brunch, egg hunting, and an MG nap, we headed to our town's Easter Promenade, where the people parade up and down the street. It was such fun. We elected not to bring the double stroller--BAD decision. The kids were pooped after our walk from the car to the parade! Shux! We would have brought it but we were going to be late to Easter Mass and miss getting seats. We chose timeliness over later preparedness... Thankfully, the first 20 minutes were the worst and the kids really did rally. Everyone ended up having a great time.

Walking from the car to the event--I already see pink cheeks!

Isn't everyone so happy? :) Look how the kids are hanging on poor Daddy! lol And this was taken within the first 15 minutes of being there. ha!

MG weathered it great, complete with umbrella shade.

Popsicles later were just the ticket!

A quick nap was too.

Daddy and daughter--my sweet sunshines!
We held off on egg-dyeing until a few days later. There is only so much you can pack into one day! The boys and I were a bit disappointed this year because our dye never really took to the eggs. We waited and waited and waited... And all we really got was a whole lot of pastel! I want to get back to the swirly dye we used to use as kids--does anyone know if that still exists? It made for MUCH better eggs!

Yes, my children are sitting on the table. Special times = special privileges.

Apparently egg-dyeing doesn't require pants either. Fun times.
And that, my friends, is our Easter re-cap. What a blessed day. Thanks be to God for His glorious gift of his Son. We are forever changed. Alleluia!
After we say our usual bedtime prayer, we've been opening the floor for each family member to offer thanks and special requests to God. You can imagine how tickled we were as we heard (unprompted) "Thank you, God, for Jesus' death on the cross" in both M and T's list of prayers one night. It has remained since. Too sweet.
I pray we are always mindful of His glorious gift.
Easter blessings to you!
God bless,