Saturday, December 1, 2007

Slowing Down

"Yes, I could continue to struggle against cold weather and short days as I race from one holiday chore to the next. Or I could take my cue from nature and accept the earth's invitation to slow down. I could choose to do less out in the world and to spend more time sequestered inside, nestled in with my children, hot cocoa and books, mail-order catalogs and afghans."
-Mitten Strings for God, Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry by Katrina Kenison

Sounds good, doesn't it?
I have been taking in this wonderful book, cozied up on the couch in front of the Christmas tree. Ahh... peace.
Hot cocoa and warm snuggling with my boys once they awaken? Yes yes!

Gasperini-Ville, along with much of the Midwest, is gearing up for a wintery storm, bringing freezing temps and Old Man Frost to the world around us. GG marveled at the cold this morning, "How did the pioneers survive?" "Well, many didn't," I smartly responded, "And thank goodness we're not pioneers." (so academic, I tell you :) Don't think I could part from the balmy 67F our furnace is cranking out here... We're much happier when warm.

Cheers to cozy times at your place.
Wish we could share a chat together over cocoa...


OH M said...

The cocoa sounds great! Cozy up at your house and we'll enjoy it here and think warm thoughts about you! Cheers!!

Shannon said...

I love this quote!! Thank you... I could use some slowing down.

I heard a great chastity talk tonight and thought of you.... not sure why, you just came to mind.

Hope you enjoy these winter days with your boys. Prayers!

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