Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Hot Cup of Tea

It is mid-morning on a Wednesday and I sit here with a piping hot cup of Green tea. It is my new thing. Tea. Never thought I would "go there" to the other hot morning beverage, aside from my occasional coffee. But here I am and I'm loving it. A friend recommended green tea because of its light caffeine for just the pick-me-up in the morning. Excellent. Every time I drink it, I'm transported back to my favorite Chinese food restaurant in Toledo, Jing Chuan. They served hot tea with the meals and we would drink it as kids, doused with packets of sugar. It was delicious.

We spent many a birthday, report card, graduation celebratory meal there at JC. I can remember a time when my dad and I went there when my sister and my mom were in Australia. My dad accidentally ate a hot red pepper and couldn't speak for half the meal. (I laugh while I type, but it was really painful to watch. Poor guy!) Jing Chuan was the best. Even when we found out their kitchens were some of the worst reviewed in all of the restaurants in the area, we still went there. We didn't care. The food was too good. Their almond chicken could cure cancer. Seriously good stuff.

But back to the tea. Yes, I have been drinking green tea and enjoying it. This morning it helped drown out the sad notes of our little MG. She carried on and on while attempting her morning nap (very unusual)--I was in several times to quiet and quell, change a diaper, hold her to soothe. After getting her settled for the last time, I laid her in bed and she revved up the cries. Poor thing. Thankfully, a few minutes of tears and she passed out. She was so zonked and ready to sleep. Now it's off to dreamland for my little lady.

Who's left? J and I are having a peaceful morning. He logged his Mickey Mouse quota while I did a little workout via TV. I am off to fetch him for a good snuggle, some football, and then its off to the races to see how much we can get accomplished before the big boys return. J is the perfect little companion and is always up for an adventure. I love my littlest man.

Cheers to you from foggy VA.
Have a blessed day,


Carolina Girl said...

It's the little things that get us through sometimes! I'm glad the tea! Sounds yummy and cozy.
I hope MG just had an off morning and is back to her normal napping in no time. Sweet Baby J seems to live up to his "sweet" name all of the time.

FL M said...

Wish I was there to chat over a cup of tea! Sounds soooo cozy! Maybe MG would have enjoyed one, too, to relax!

Teacher-Mom said...

Sounds like the perfect morning! A hot cup of tea and a quiet house. Don't you just love when you get time to spend with one of your kiddos, even if it is just snuggling or playing a game. Those moments are far between and few, thus so precious.

Fertile Thoughts said...

That sounds like a cozy morning. I would say relaxing morning but you threw in exercise so that's not so relaxing ;)

I'll have to try green tea. I have been loyal to chai tea for the time being. Hope you all are doing well!!!

The Ballee Girls said...

JJ's fussy at naptime now too, it's new, too. I think it may be early teething, maybe?

Carolina Girl said...

I see that I didn't complete me thought in my previous post. I don't have any idea what I was trying to say! lol!

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