Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Room Status Update

It's hard to believe today is already Tuesday. MLK Jr. Day totally threw my brain for a loop. You can't give a prego lady a weekday holiday and assume her brain can handle it.

Overall, it's not a bad thing--it means next weekend will be here sooner than I think. Though if you and I have made plans for the next couple of days, you may want to call and confirm just to make sure my mind is onboard! lol

GG and I worked our tails off this weekend well into Monday. It was such a gift having him home for three days--pinch all of us!! He and I even stayed up until 1am on Sunday night watching episodes from Season Three of Lost for old time's sake just because we could! It was a nice treat after all of the organizing we've done...

Baby J's new room is coming along. GG came up with a new configuration, which I'm loving. You can see the back corner here. The crib has yet to come down from the attic, but we're slowly getting there. :)
The boys' new closet was a huge undertaking on Saturday and Sunday. GG put together the new drawers and cubbies. I'm so happy with the outcome, which offers a lot more storage space than their previous one! Now for just a few more hangers...

Finally, another of my projects was to organize the other closet in their room. It is multipurpose with storage for games, wrapping items, sewing things, and our pack 'n play and sleeping bags! Here is the final look. I *wish* I had done before and after shots. It is a HUGE improvement over what was there before--one can now actually walk in it!!
We are still busy bees over here, but are starting to see the light. What would we do without 3-day weekends to turn the house upside down?!



Carolina Girl said...

Ooh, I love the closets!!! Great job! They're awesome.

If it makes you feel better, I'm off schedule for the 4 day weekend here. I'm hosting playgroup on Thursday which means I only have ONE day to clean!!! Yikes!

FL M and D said...

Great progress there in G-Ville! Keep up the good work...and then rest!

Donna said...

I LOVE posts like this- I love to watch other people nest and figure out how to configure their rooms! Everything looks great and the boys closet is AWESOME! AND I CAN'T WAIT until Feb. 4th!!!! How exciting to KNOW who's coming!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers