With everything going on this summer, J's birthday snuck up on us... What a precious gift arrived to us on August 5th of 2008! He came in a whirlwind after we had been diverted from one hospital and almost denied at the next before they finally took us in... he was born an hour later. Since we only had an hour, he was my first "au-natural" baby (not planned) and helped solidify my love for labor and delivery without drugs!! All I remember is being done, cherishing my sweet baby boy, and being so relieved it was over and that I survived. lol
J was the world's sweetest and easiest baby. I remember sitting him in the bouncer chair and he would lay and watch his brothers, contentedly sitting until it was time for his next nap. Easy, folks! As I type, I'm realizing how alike Baby G is to her older brother, J. She is so content to be in the mix and not cause a fuss! Thank you, Lord. My line to J as a baby was, "You are so good to your mama because you know I can't handle anything more!" :) What a gift our little J was and continues to be.
At four J is the little caboose that follows his two older brothers around and wants to do everything like them. He is much more independent than they were at this age, mostly because he sees them do things and wants to measure up. Case in point, on the night of his birthday I helped him get into and out of the shower and then busied myself getting his brothers toward bathing. Meanwhile, J found jammies and a pull-up, got dressed, and tucked himself into bed. I found him there almost asleep and couldn't believe he had taken such initiative! Love it! We brushed teeth, snuggled and said prayers. What a good boy!
He is growing like a weed and will easily surpass his brothers in height someday. Anytime they're being too rough with him, I remind them that little brothers someday might be larger brothers who can inflict pain! ;) J has a very dear heart as seen in his interactions with MG. They play (and fight) well together. It warms my heart to watch him look out for her when we're out and about. Every night when I finish tucking them in and walk out of the room, I hear her call to him ("J'sie, J'sie") to talk with her. Melt me.
J and his birthday buddies
Who says you can't doctor the store-bought cake? Lego additions by Daddy!
Mimi and sweet stuff
Papa and the birthday boy
And was the birthday boy happy? You betcha!
One last quick J anecdote--last night at dinner (a full family dinner on a weeknight = heaven!!) when talking about future professions, J disclosed he wanted to be a tiger. "Wow J," said Daddy, "A tiger!" "Yes, Daddy, a boy tiger," he replied. A boy tiger, it is. We couldn't stop giggling. SO cute!
And one more final note, today begins my "30 days of blogging". That's right, folks! 30 days-in-a-row of consistent blogging. You can find me back here tomorrow and the next and the next... without question. Time to get back on the horse!!
Love you, J boy! We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

such a cutie B! Happy Birthday J!!! Hugs from Ohio!
We miss you Big Boy J!!! Sorry we had to miss your fun party with french fries and yummy cake!! Let's celebrate again soon!!!! And pretty soon you'll be old enough to come to the beach-YAY!
Sweet, sweet boy!!!!!
can't wait to see you over here 30 days in a row!
Happy Birthday, J! I love all the pics -- I can't believe Baby G is so big already! How precious!
Love him! Love you all! I will call for a belated happy birthday tomorrow. Said some prayers for my sweet Godson on his birthday!
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