It was such a treat to watch our little taekwondo men in action two weeks ago... They performed brilliantly and knew their steps and questions--all leading to their new belts! T acquired yellow (belt #2) and M earned orange (belt #3). We love watching them do their punches and kicks, saying, "Yes, sir!" with enthusiasm, respect, and confidence. Taekwondo is a great discipline and teaches them focus and self-control. We were also surprised to see it is an Olympic sport! The G-Ville community will be tuning in to watch, no doubt!
T will be continuing lessons for the next session, while M has decided to take a session break and will start back up in the fall. This is perfect because it will allow T to catch up to the orange belt and then both boys will be at the same level and practice time (good for mama!) The blessing of all of this is that the lessons happen twice a week over at our local Y, which is less than a mile away. Most of the time, I bring the whole crew and the younger ones get to play on the playground while their brothers practice. Lately, though, with the afternoon heat in full effect, we will sit in the lobby with books, cars, and occasionally the iPad. ;) I am not perfect and don't profess to be--the iPad offers a nice break for me when I'm spent (i.e. at the end of pregnancy!) and at my wits end. But I will say, we don't resort to it often. ;)
Actually with M in tow lately, practice time has given him the chance to do some daily reading. Last week he was so engrossed in a book, he went nose-in-book to pick up T, walk out to the car, and drive home and beyond. He is beginning to digest books at an alarming rate--and whenever I see him reading, it just tickles my mommy bones. I LOVE it!!!! Having the ability to read is such a gift and I'm thrilled he seems to be enjoying it...
As for the remainder of our summer, we're looking ahead to a whole lot of home time... The boys have been busy with sports camp, a trip to FL with Gramz and Pappy, swim lessons, VBS... and now, thanks be to God, some much-needed home time. It is a blessing to be here together getting along (mostly), playing legos and piano, reading, riding bikes, watching the Olympics, and loving on our sweet angel girls. It is also timely because Baby G has hit the ~3mos. mark when she is unable to stay asleep on outings. This is a time I normally dread with babies because it keeps me at home and away from my beloved gym due to naps... BUT at this point in the summer, the boys want to be home anyway and I've just ordered some videos that will help me keep my workout sanity. Or shall I say INSANITY?! ha! :) It is a new series of videos (similar to P90x) that a friend has been doing with great results. I ordered them for a steal off eBay the other day and can't wait for them to arrive. Need to get strong over here in G-Ville!! I'll have to let you know know how it goes.
Love to you all on a Sunday.
God bless,

So proud of the TK-men at G-Ville!! Way to go, guys!! Next stop, the Olympics!!
We love you and miss you sooooo much!
Way to go, Gs! We're so proud of our friends! Our love your way!
Too funny- I just bought Insanity on ebay the other day too. Must be a 3 month postpartum thing ;-)
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