As a mama bear, all my kids are my babies. Just the other day in conversation, I referred to all of them as babies, which surely got a response from my oldest two as they proclaimed that they were not, in fact, babies. Heaven forbid! "No," I told them, "You will always be my babies."
And they are. They are my precious, gift-from-God babies, who are growing, learning, absorbing, transforming day by day... into one day godly men and women. That is my prayer.
But for now, they're babies and I'll keep them that way. ;)
What's so cool to see this time around, though, is how very helpful the big babies are being with the little babies. Just yesterday M sat talking and cooing with his baby sister when she awoke. He bought me some time until I could get there and feed her. He was a brilliant big brother and baby G rewarded him with gracious smiles and baby chatter.
If only I had taken the moment then to offer a thanks to my M or sincere pat on the back for being such an attentive brother. Instead we went on our way and later had this outcome. I felt horribly. Being around each other so much this summer has brought out my more critical side and he's, unfortunately, born the brunt of my expectation and criticism. It's funny, then, how that negative cycle perpetuates, breeding more undesirable behavior and heightened sensitivity. Ahh, parenting... I'll get it right one of these days. ;) We are definitely a work in progress, but at least we're working at it and not giving up!
Fortunately, I'm Loved and Forgiven. I use up my measure of His Grace daily and then some. And hopefully with that awesome Grace, I can pass along the love and encouragement to my babies to build them up to be holy men and women of God.
Keep on keeping on...
God bless,

I can very much appreciate this post right now! I find myself in the same parenting rut...thank goodness for grace and friends who are there too:)
I could have written this post. It's just so easy to critique those bog boys. I am resolving to fill his little love tank and stop the nagging! Lord, hear my prayer!
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