It doesn't seem possible that this sweet baby...
is now this sweet boy. Where has the time gone?
His 6-year-old celebration day began with a trip this morning to check out a new children's museum in our area. The crew had loads of fun. The boys voted 2 (M and J) to 1 (T) for the new location. T is unusually partial to the downtown location--maybe because it was the first we ever visited? In any event, they still all had a great time.
Afterward, I was starving, starving (nursing + non-dairy/soy does a number on my appetite!), so we had to treat the birthday boy to McDonald's. Side note: Please remind me in the future not to eat there. I felt like I had lead in my stomach all afternoon and later discovered their french fries have MILK! Lovely! Since I ate the lion's share of our large and 2 small fries, you can bet Baby G is going to be a happy camper tomorrow. Sorry, sweet girl!!
Alas, I digress... Back to the birthday boy. We came home and I allowed him the special treat of playing video games on a weekday. They played for a half hour and then we started Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie. GG and I have been reading the books to the big boys this summer and this was the second time they've watched the movie. T has been requesting it for days...
Before we knew it, we had to pause the movie and scurry to get T to tae kwon do practice. Back at home, I busied preparing his requested birthday feast: ham penne pasta (a fam fave), sauteed green beans, salad, and large cupcake. We piled back in the car to pick him up, then scurried home to be ready for Daddy, Mimi, and Papa's arrival and the birthday dinner.
After gorging ourselves, it was time for presents...
T has been wanting this little Luigi guy for weeks. Mimi hit the pavement and found him! Great work! |
Legos! Of course! Notice something missing? T lost his first tooth the night before his birthday. Bounce houses and knees do not mix, but thankfully it was his own knee! lol |
Papa and sweet pea |
Awesome Star Wars jammies |
More of the sweet angel girl |
Poor Baby G--the "love" is sometimes too much. And notice my little helper girl in the background. She loves being with me in the kitchen. Thank you, Lord! |
Overall, it was a great 6th birthday for our T-man! Followed by a fun trip with Daddy, brothers, and Mimi/Pop to Maine tomorrow. The girls and I will be relaxing (working) and kicking up our feet (cleaning while everyone is gone) at home while the Maine crew will be visiting GG's old boys' camp. We decided it was too much to bring the babies, so we're going to hold down the fort here. Everyone is sure to have a smashing time! More on our adventures tomorrow...
God bless,

No wonder we couldn't reach you...loads of birthday fun in the works! Looks like everyone had a great day!!
What a handsome boy...I think he looks just like your Dad! Especially in the second picture! You do such a nice job of making birthdays so special for each of your kids:)
Happy Birthday T! I love seeing his chubby cheeks when he was a baby. Boy how he has grown up!
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