How could our weekend be anything but amazing?
The Johnson crew was back this weekend for more fun and what an enjoyable time we had. It is always a treat to spend time with them. Queen B and her Prince T are pretty incredible friends and awesome parents to their brood. They have the sweetest little bears and *boy* do we love seeing them!
They left tonight after dinner and I've sadly gone back to my laundry since... It was getting pretty pathetic. I folded four loads tonight with two more on the way. And btw--Johnsons, while folding I found your pillow cases that were supposed to be on your pillows before you arrived. lol. So sorry about that! ;) Looks like you made do just fine--thanks for filling in my blanks! ;)
We don't know when we'll see them next (thanks to their move to MN!). But we snapped a picture anyway to document the kids' growth when we get together again. Until then, may God keep us close in prayer and friendship. God bless!

Ha! Look at that crew! We had so much fun, we'll be talking about it for months. You are supreme hosts!
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