Saturday, December 19, 2009


The snow is at about a foot!! And we're lovin' it!

We were extremely resourceful when scrounging up snow gear today--is it really necessary to stock up every year in a town that rarely sees snow?? T wore an 18-24mos. snowsuit and liked it aok. M wore 3T snowpants and old ski mittens. And J donned old baby snowpants and his regular shoes and still had a great time. GG got out his old ski pants (complete with broken buckle) and even B-mama dusted off old duck boots that kept her tootsies nice and warm.

It was great! But the kids could hardly move, the snow went up so high! lol. Thanks, Virginia, for continuing to feed the notion that it will snow here at least once a year. The children are certain of it and I'm sure glad we didn't disappoint this year.

Staying warm and toasty by the fire,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the glimpse of your winter wonderland! Glad it's where you are and that you all had such fun!!

Teacher-Mom said...

Looks like everyone had a blast. We are a bit jealous as all we are getting is yucky rain. At this point, I'd actually rather have snow. Merry Christmas!

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