Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dirty Hands = Happy Boys

We've officially started our first Gasperini-Ville greenhouse! The boys had a great time using medicine droppers to add water to peat pads (good for challenging fledgling dexterity!) :) After the pads puffed up, M and I opened the netting and planted hundreds of Petunia seeds in the hope that we can grow our own for a planter near our front door. So far, no sprouts, but we're waiting...

And in the meantime, I've raised my white flag and called in my parents for reinforcement! They are heading out tomorrow and I am so relieved. Mono: 10, B-mama: 0. I'm losing this battle, for sure! Thanks for your prayers!!


T. Armstrong said...

B-Mama, so glad to hear that your parents are coming to need it to get better! I had it in high school, but can't imagine having it now with children!

Right Said Red said...

Oh, prayers that you feel better soon.

Krissy said...

Looks fun...we were sad to miss our planting this year since we will be moving mid-growing season. So glad that your parents are able to come...I had a migraine this morning and as I lay on the coach letting B watch cartoons all morning I was thinking I don't know how you are getting by! Prayers you will recover quickly once you are able to get some rest.

Shannon said...

seriously, you are so ambitious with the planting!

I am just so glad your parents are coming!

Carolina Girl said...

Yes, glad to hear you have reinforcements coming in to help and kudos to you for asking for help. That can be hard to do sometimes. You are so ambitious with the planting! The boys are concentrating so hard. I love it!

Wynne Family said...

I'll be praying for a quick recovery, B! In the meantime, get some rest and enjoy every bit of help from your precious parents!

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