I am thankful today for the blessing of being able to stay home with my kids.
I get to help out at fun fall parties,
and help my son create funny creatures
like this little fella.
We get to share donuts and stories together and drive home from school just the two of us.
I get to play with this sweet little lady
and listen to her ask for her picture to be taken
while mom snaps photos of pinecone turkeys.
I get to head over to M and T's school
and drop off a load of dyed T-shirts
for T's Native American celebration...
and then stop by to be the mystery reader for M's class.
All this goodness because I have the time at home.
Thank you, Lord.
While I miss being in the classroom with my own students,
I sure am grateful to be able to stay home with my genetic peeps.
They are very easy to love and forgive because they're mine. ;)
With gratitude,

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