Yes, B-mama was a very bad girl--caught speeding!
The worst part was that I received my speeding ticket back in September on the way home from my Catholic Women's Fellowship group. We had just had a great gathering, a Spirit-filled time of conversation and prayer. I was rocking to my Christian music and leaving the expressway when BAM! I was going too fast!!! Thankfully, the officer was very nice. He probably would have let me go, but I was fourteen over. Oops. :) I called on some of His Grace right away...
I could have paid the fine up front, but would have accrued a scary number of driver's license points. The only solution was to represent at the municipal court and receive driving school as penance. Not too shabby. I will say, spending even an hour in the lower courts was an experience, folks. Lots of alcohol and drug charges, underage everything, driving everything, assault everything... WOW. I straightened my halo and thanked the heavens for my clean driving record, clean clothes, and desire for goodness. I walked out of the building praising God for showering my life with goodness.
It reminded me that so much in my life is a gift. I've worked hard for a lot, but I had to be taught how to maturely handle myself, make wise decisions, and take responsibility for myself and my actions. Those lessons were gifts handed down through my parents, teachers, coaches, wise authority figures. I am so fortunate to have had the right role models to follow.
So today, on my 8th day of thankfulness, I want to express gratitude for the blessing of all the goodness God's shown me through His angels here on earth. May I, too, be an angel for others. Thank you, Lord.
God bless,

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