At six months baby G is rolling everywhere. I find her all over her crib and often sleeping on her tummy, despite being put down on her back. She can be very quiet and I won't hear a peep from her for days... and then from out of nowhere, she will scream loudly and often! We are praying none of these fits happens during church. She would drown out the organ, for sure. :)
G is quick to smile when meeting strangers, but is definitely more wary of men. Poor Papa has endured her tears once or twice when greeting her. Sorry Pop! She definitely loves her Daddy and thinks I'm pretty great, especially since I'm the "gravy train" (as GG likes to call me ;).
The past couple of days her sleeping has been erratic as she works through a cold and maybe tummy issues. Truth be told, I've been indulging in Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a treat and it has soy lecithin. I thought maybe I could sneak it by, but she really has seemed to be more grunty and uncomfortable lately. I'm going to cut back and see what comes of it... We also have her 6mos check on Thursday, so we'll check her ears out then to make sure we're not dealing with an ear infection or anything else. She also has her two lower teeth coming in. Her lower gums are bulging and look painful. Add that to the mix and our sweet love may be waking due to a variety of factors!
As I finish this post, I now have baby G in my lap, happily kicking and watching and smiling. I went to go pick her up and she lit up as she saw me. She is the best! Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of this angel girl. You knew she was just what our family needed.
With gratitude,

she is so cute B!
Sweet Baby G!!
She really favors T, right?
I can just see her lighting up at the sight of her Mama and those arms and legs just a pumping. Ahh, sweetness for sure.
Get ready sweet Baby G, Pappy is coming! Please don't cry!
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