Seriously, I don't know what I do without him. And I worry sometimes about losing him... but I know that God has called me away from worry and just to revel in the wonderful man we have to enjoy every day.
He comes home with a smile after working a long day. He helps out in whatever way is needed. He generously gives so much of himself for our benefit. What a gift he is.
Last night, amidst a churned up house and a flurry of children needing to go to sleep, our Daddy arrived home. He swears he doesn't think it, but I know he must look around and wonder what I do all day by the state of our house. Last night was no different than usual. We had all just returned from picking the boys up from taekwondo (soon to be ending--more on that in a future post). It was 7:30pm, the baby was back in bed (I had to rouse her go pick them up), the littles were finished bathing and almost in bed, the big boys were showering... the house was a disaster.
In walks Daddy.
I rounded up the littles for stories and prayers and then tucked them in. GG took over the big boys--they are reading The Hobbit together and the boys were eager to get reading.
I dragged my pitiful, exhausted self to our bed and laid down next to the dog... never to move for the rest of the night. Meanwhile my hero man took care of everything. Down to the last dish, toy, pillow. I awoke this morning to peace and order. Totally awesome. But I felt totally guilty until hearing him say, "I'm so glad you were able to get some sleep." No bitterness on his part, just kindness and generosity. What a good guy!
So today I'm thanking the good Lord (yet again) for my main man. He's the best!

An amazing gift!!! :)
this is so wonderful. B!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that sometimes worries about losing my other half...
Blessings to you and yours!
So sweet and thoughtful!!
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