We so thankful our Mimi and Gramz have passed along a love for music. Both are extremely adept musicians--just recently Gramz sat down at our piano after
twelve years away and picked up as if it had been no time. Mimi will often serenade us by sitting down and playing for the family. Both were in choirs throughout high school, college, and beyond. Mimi played the violin as a child. Gramz played the organ and piano for church. Mimi plays in the bell choir. Gramz majored in music and Mimi minored in it. Hats off to our musical mothers!
Which is why it was so special for both grandmothers to be present for the boys' piano recital this past Saturday. Mommy and Daddy were even able to sneak away from our weekend to be there too! It was so special to walk in and surprise everyone, seeing the grandparents and all the kids together before the show. So blessed.
Before the performance... |
Looking so old and dapper! This was his first recital. |
I am so thankful for the boys' piano fingers which graced the keys and captivated the audience for a few minutes. All the kids were fabulous and every parent there, so proud. We were a little nervous how the performance was going to go. During practice the night before we had some major hiccups to overcome, but they did *great* and the recital was a success.
Each child introduced himself and then listed his songs and composers.
Our usually smiley T was very serious! ;) |
He played the Star Wars theme song by John Williams and Indian Dance by James Bastien. |
This is M's only pic because he was hidden behind the piano the whole time due to a lot of pedal work! He played Snowfall by Nancy Faber and Don't Want To Lose You Blues by Martha Meier. |
MG and I snuck out midway through to exercise our wiggles and have a cookie! ;) |
And here is a rare photo of yours truly, doing what I do best--talking! ;)
My mom caught a pic of me and baby G after the show. You can see G is getting some hair! |
God bless on a Monday,
Cute picture - you look pretty!
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