I really wanted to share a photo with you because today I'm giving thanks for this sweet boy:

He is our Custer. Cussie-bus, yellow boy, softest-ears-that-I-pet-constantly pup. Love this guy. He has been such a blessing to GG and me.
He was our first child, the one our parents couldn't believe we were getting only three months into marriage. What were we thinking strapping ourselves down with responsibility when we were newly married? Suffice it to say, our parents were *thrilled* with that choice six months later when Geoff deployed to Iraq for a year. I had my buddy to keep me company, lick my tears (he really did), offer love and warmth (he enjoyed GG's spot on the bed all year).
He's been such a faithful companion for the past ten years.
As you can see, his muzzle is beginning to gray and his movements are less fluid. But he still runs after balls and hauls large branches around the yard. He enjoys playing with young pups and pretending to be a spry man himself...
He is our Custer boy and I love him. The whole family loves him. J wrote on his Thanksgiving craft at school, "I'm thankful for my dog, Custer." So sweet. Thank you, Lord, for blessing us this sweet soul in our lives.

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