Hey gang and happy Friday!
Starting around 8:30pm last night, I started having pretty regular Braxton Hicks contractions all through the evening and into bedtime. I awoke around 3am (as usual) still having them and thought perhaps this was the beginning of the end. No dice! By morning all was chill and without consistency. Still largely prego. :)
So that's that and we've gone about our day today. We are getting things accomplished around the house... and playing and eating... and now waiting... My parents decided to speed things up on their end of the journey and will be arriving tonight before dinner! Woo hoo!!
We are so excited for their visit and can't wait to host them on the third floor. :)
And little Miss MG, we can't wait to host you too, little lady. Come on, the party's just starting! :)
**I should also mention that I have until next Sunday, the 27th, before my doc will insist on inducing. She considers this Sunday, the 20th, my official due date (my counter at the top of the screen goes by my chart due date, the 23rd. Just an FYI!)

3 cm is nothing to shake a stick at! You're like 1/3 there! My money's on tomorrow. Kisses and best wishes for the days ahead.
Now its my turn to compulsively check your blog for labor news! Good luck, we'll pray for you this Father's Day weekend!
We saw Andrea and Luke last weekend and she was telling me how happy she was to have met you a few weeks ago. She did the Bradley method for a natural labor with augustine, so you can imagine our whole weekend was filled with birth stories... I can't wait to hear how yours goes!
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