As I mentioned in the last post, M finished his soccer season Saturday. It was a great game and we were so proud of his hustle and determination, complete with two goals! Way to go, stud muffin! :) What a fun season it has been to share with the little man. With every score, he turns around to see his cheering section go crazy. Definitely a "words of affirmation" love language kind of guy!!

Yesterday we had the treat of hosting friends of ours from back in our Army days. They are still in the Army and are heading up to West Point for the next three years. How great it was to spend the afternoon together. The boys all played so nicely and had a ball. They were pooped little pups when all was said and done!! Thanks E, L, S and O for driving to see us!! L, I'm kicking myself that we never got a shot with the two of us together. Next time... :)

And finally, here are a couple snapshots of our bedroom in its new color "Tranquility" by Ben.jamin Moore. The camera did a decent job of capturing the color, but I think it has a little more green in the hue than what appears here. Nothing like deciding on painting a bedroom atthe 11th hour--haha! Thanks to my friend, Tricia, for inspiring the color choice. I was at her house Thursday and saw it on the wall and loved it. She gave me what was left in the can to take home to try out. One swatch was all I needed to know it was the one--I taped and trim painted Friday afternoon and GG rolled onward Friday night. By 10pm, we were finished. Whew! Just in the nick of time. MG will have the luxury of enjoying Tranquility for her first month of life as she co-rooms with us in her bassinet. Cute!

Can I tell you how excited I am to labor in this room??? Tranquility, take me away!!

LOVING IT!!!! MG will be a perfect asset to that room!
Love the color!
love the new color!
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