on the baby front.
No change at the doc today! I know, can you believe it?!
I was rather surprised.
I just have to trust that my body is doing exactly what is necessary to bring this baby safely into the world... And while we wait, we're doing very well.
Off to drink my raspberry leaf tea.
Thanks for your thoughts and happy Monday!

**Also, if you need something to distract you today (since B-mama is not in labor), check out our new site over at Building Cathedrals. We are pumped to be up and running with a new look and better legibility! Switching to our new domain happened to be a pre-labor goal of mine, so I'm glad to check that off the list. Whew! :) Let us know what you think!
it'll be good to enjoy the time with your parents before MG arrives! life will of course be even sweeter after she's in your arms, but also a tiny bit more chaotic. :)
I am just so on pins and needles. I thought for sure today something would happen!:) Praying for you B'. Can't wait to see you and the new Miss.;)
Be patient B-Mama, the baby will be here soon :)
if this helps any, with my three girls, i had anywhere from 5 days to a week and a half of contractions that were not active labor!! I was convinced with my second that i was in labor only to have the midwife tell me, "no just your uterus getting ready!!"
the good news is that with every contraction, your body IS getting ready to birth your sweet baby girl. even though i was in labor for a week, my natural births with my girls were 1.5 hours and my third was 20 minutes!!! i was thankful for the week of contractions after only 20 minutes of active labor :) my sons labor and delivery was different, but atleast he came on time!! all my girls were anywhere from 5-15 days late!!
i too drank red rasberry leaf tea, they say it tones the uterus and makes your contractions more productive. Good Luck, you will be in my prayers!!
Thanks girls!! You all are awesome... Julie, I SO appreciate your encouragement right now! I'm trying not to let despair get to me, but I'm definitely getting to a more desperate state of mind!! Thank you!!!!
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