The date is here.
We've been anticipating it on our trusty calendar for some time.
You've been seeing it atop this blog for close to 9 months.
We've made it.
So how are we celebrating?
With a trip to the splash park south of the river...
No better way!!
Later in the day, my dad, T, and I ventured out to buy some lawn products for GG and then to Lowe's to find a mirror and closet shelving system for the third floor. Fun! No doubt last night I paid for it--my pelvic floor was so sore from the walking and I was bushed. Even Invictus couldn't captivate me long enough before I fell asleep on the couch.
Thank goodness I have a mom who knows just what I needed to cap off the day--a McDonald's hot fudge sundae. Excellent. To say we are being well-cared-for is an understatement. My parents are amazing... I just hope we don't exhaust them before we really need them when the baby comes! lol :) Thanks Mom and Dad for all you're doing!
To finish this post, here's a final look at B-mama @ 40 weeks. Enjoy because this will most likely be the last pic I indulge--too depressing from here on out! Might I say, my belly is quite full of baby. There are identifiable parts sticking out all over the place. Love my sweet girl and can't wait to see those parts in the flesh! Soon, very soon.

Happy Due Date! Will continue to pray for you guys! Can't wait to hear of MGs arrival! Thanks for all of the updates.
SO SO SO cute. That picture is adorable!:) Love you dear one. Hang in there!!!
I personally hope she arrives before midnight because today is our anniversary! Whenever she arrives it will be wonderful! Can't wait to see pics of her. You look great!
happy due date! you look fantastic! enjoy your day!
You look great B-mama! It looks like you've dropped (?)...can't wait to see her and hear the good news!
I'm so so glad you had such a great day yesterday and that you're soaking up some good times with your parents. Hang in there as you wait! You look AMAZING!
This whole waiting thing reminds me a little bit of when we were all waiting around in those final days (6+ years ago!!) for our loves to get home from such a long deployment. We had a general idea of when they would get here, but no exact dates/times. Wasn't the anticipation just excruciating?!!! Remember those last hours sitting on the bleachers in the gym and waiting for them to walk through the doors? AHHHH! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!
Just like in those days, I can't wait to hear the good news that your love has safely arrived!
B - you look fantastic! Hang in there and can't wait to hear the good news:-)
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