No status changes for the day--just wanted to keep you all informed. If you feel anything like I do around the arrival of a new life, you need to know. I know. I am usually obsessed with the computer when anyone else is expecting a baby!!!
What else is going on today in Gasperini-Ville?
Last soccer game for M, complete with 2 goals!... A newly painted bedroom for GG and B-mama (yes, we took on another project without telling anyone--we didn't want you all to confirm our craziness--but incidentally we are loving the new color!!)... A fun picnic with friends...
I'll update later with pics!

1 comment:
We are anxiously waiting! I went and sat with Jennifer yesterday and was telling her that little MG was due any day now!
When you are dealing with the pain during labor, think of Jen and her pain and her strength. She's amazing!
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