It's on days like today that I find contentment.
Not that things are perfect, not that they're anything like I'd hoped. They just ARE. And "ARE" is wonderful for us right now.
Why do we rush things? Why can't we stop and smell the roses?
My tendency is to wish this baby to come tomorrow, but in reality, she'll get here and when she does we will face all the challenges of life as a family of 6. We will be ready and she will bring us great joy.
But in the meantime, life is pretty aok at the moment and we're pretty happy waiting.
Can you hear my subtle tone of convincing? The reason for it: I had a doc appt. today and nothing has changed. Our little lady is head down. I am barely effaced and holding steady at 1cm.
All is very well. Thanks be to God.
So why hurry?? In fact, there are too many fun things happening in the days ahead to wish labor and delivery upon ourselves... I will be meeting up with a good friend from our Army days on Sunday. She and her family are visiting Williamsburg and are going to trek over to see us. The boys should have a ball together. Can't wait! We also have tentative plans to take our builder and his wife out to dinner between now and then... And I have two girlfriend celebratory birthday dinners to add to the mix. T desperately wants to head to the Children's Museum and we have some friends who want to get together for a "final" playdate.
There is plenty to do (as there always is, even when we clear the schedule! ha!)
Little MG, we can't wait to have you join the fun.
But if you decide to stay put, we'll be just fine. Just fine.
Smelling the roses,

Oh, I wish we could all join you and The T's for a lil reunion.
Have a great time enjoying the time you have left B-mama!! :)
Such a sweet post B. :-)
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." :) Great reminder, B!
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