I think it's safe to say Baby G has a lot of fans here in our household...
Had I caught this shot seconds sooner, you would have seen the adorable sister sweetness shared many times over! MG is taking to G wonderfully! Thanks be to God!!
Brother man-handling
This shot totally melts me.
This one too... :)
We are doing aok through some very sleepless nights dealing with a little lady who has been clearly uncomfortable during the nighttime hours. I've tweaked a few things in my diet today and we're seeing if they have a positive effect. Nothing we can't work through, even if we're a little bleary-eyed and achy in the process. Overall, we're feeling such gratitude for our newest little love and all the wonderful support in our surrounding community. You all know who you are--you are the best encouragement a family could have. Thank you!
With joy,

Oh B! She's a little peanut!! Beautiful and definitely favors her big brother T. What sweet siblings she has! The pics of her and J are sooo sweet.
I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. Remember, this is survival mode...don't stress about sleep training, etc. It's not time for that. Just do whatever you can to get sleep whenever you can. I know, easier said than done. I know.
You will all find your new groove. It just takes some time.
So happy to see all the loving going on in the G household! Isn't it just so wonderful having a new baby around again? They truly bring such joy -- especially when there are older siblings around! Hope the nights get easier and easier. I always find it comforting thinking about all the other moms I know who are also up in the middle of the night with their little ones. :) And also knowing that the sleepless nights won't last forever!
Love and Blessings to you all!
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