I was curious to see where we were because I had some good, regular contractions for a few hours last night. Usually those progress into the real deal when we've had labor in the past... I called GG (still at the office) at 12:30am to inform him that they were coming pretty regularly. I was pretty sure it was false labor because I usually see other signs ahead of time, but you never know with these babies!! I headed to bed and awoke this morning to nothing. No big deal--my body will let me know when its time. :) Part of me wants this babe to hold off so GG can get some rest beforehand. He completed the last big obstacle for his project, so should be smooth sailing from here on out. Whew!
Thankfully, the contractions were definitely doing something...
At my appt today:
BP: 124/80
Dilation: 2-3cm
Effacement: 50%
Weight gain: +1
Station: -1 (she said baby is very low and it should feel like I have a bowling ball between my legs--lol!)
She was *very* aggressive in her check, so we'll see what comes of this! So far, so nothing, but I'll keep you posted. Thanks for tracking with us! :)
God bless,

Waiting with baited breath! But no hurry - little Miss G will come when she's good and ready.
Hang in there! Be brave. Squeeze the crap out of GG's non-writing hand. Hear our prayers. Post LOTS of pictures!!!
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