We know what to expect when we're expecting. We know what to expect when the wee babe arrives. We know of the trials and tribulations and absolute joys to come.
Which is why we just want to get 'er done, you know?!
At the same time, I will admit that I'm really nervous about natural labor this time around. It's gonna hurt like the dickens and just like with an upcoming road race, I fear the pain. I also fear the unknown and wonder how the delivery will play out. It is painstaking to get there and will be painstaking to get through... Alas, we just have to get there and once again, get 'er done. Which brings me back to the days crawling by.
Overall, I feel so blessed to feel this good at 39 weeks. I can do anything for a week, right?! It's just I hadn't gotten much rest the night before last and yesterday crawled. I began to sink into the quagmire of dismal, end-of-pregnancy thoughts and pity parties. I'm really good at those.
But today, today is a new day, and I'm really trying to rally. I had a much better night's sleep last night after communing with some church girlfriends. It was a heartwarming time. And this morning has been a peaceful one, thanks be to God. I'm feeling good. I can do this.
It's especially easy to make it when the kids have been real gems lately. The other day after a grocery trip to Cost.co, T offered to carry groceries in from the car, "Mommy, I want to carry the heaviest box so you don't have to." So sweet. Do you know that boy proceeded to carry every one of the items in? He's a total gem and my total champ helper. In fact, all the boys have been pitching in and taking special care of their little sister too. After a post-Mass brunch at Pan.era last Sunday, M and J each held a hand to her back and guided her out of the restaurant. It was the cutest to watch. Yesterday M commented to me, "MG is so cute and now we get to have another little sister to care for." Kill me now! Anyone who doesn't think more siblings bless a family, come on over and we'll prove to you otherwise! It is a joy watching them love each other.
Finally, I have to share about this little lady and how much she loves a new toy Baby G received at the shower. I caved and let her open it--why not start the celebrating now? You squeeze the foot and the toy plays music and she dances. Our little lady sure loves to dance... I have the cutest video of her and T dancing, but Blogger is rejecting it. Sorry!! Just imagine adorable cuteness and you're there! ;)
So here we are today at 39 weeks 2 days and are doing great... We have "Bike Day" at T's school later this morning, which will involve a lengthy walk there and back for exercise. I have my last honors chem. tutoring session tonight. Then tomorrow I have my appt., our cleaners come (thanks be to God!), and Mimi has graciously offered to take the boys to tae kwon do practice. Friday brings soccer for M (Mimi is also stepping in again bc the weather report is for 90's and we'd be outside the whole time-- I just can't bring myself to do it!) Saturday morning are soccer games and Sat. afternoon we have M's spring piano recital. A Derby party later that afternoon should secure the weekend events and then we're home free until my due date on the 8th! :) Let's hope labor follows soon after...
I will check in tomorrow after my doc appt with an update.
God bless,

You can do this!!
It will hurt, but in the end, it will hurt so good to push!! I remember that so clearly, the pushing felt GOOD??!!! Lol! Not that you need any tips on giving birth, but one thing that really helped me during Bit's labor was to tell myself each time a contraction was coming on that it only last a minute or two. I mean, you can really do ANYTHING for a minute and then catch your breath to do it again. I just kept saying, okay it's almost over, it's almost over. Something so little really helped me.
What sweet boys you have! I wonder if you must have more than 2 to see sweetness towards siblings! Lol. Boo is very self centered...
Look at beautiful MG, she already looks like a big sister! I know we keep saying how much she and lil bit favor, but it is uncanny. They are sisters from other mothers. ha!
On the heels of my comment about MG's hair from your last post...her hair is so light now. I love the little flip at the end.
You're doing a great job B-mama! Press on, sister!
You are so close! I had a c-section (grrrr) with Meridian and a natural drug-free birth with my Genevieve, and I still have all the literature on coping with pain and different strategies to use. I'm sure you're well-read on the topic, but let me know if I can help out!!
Can't wait!!! Hugs to those sweet helpers and their parents, too!!
I know you can do this! You can do EVEN this! You rocked Mary Grace's birth! It's pain with a joyful purpose and think of the lessons you will be able to pass on to your sweet daughters. A legacy of what their bodies are made to do, what their bodies were created to do. You can do this and you will...with grace, power, srength, and joy. It's not painful, it's your baby. It's new love and life! Blessings to you, friend! I can't wait to hear the good news! Love, Rebecca F
You look awesome, and you're almost done! I can't wait to hear the news. And MG is beyond adorable, oh my gosh, I can hardly stand it!! :)
Thank you all!! Rebecca, girl, your doula wisdom is awesome--I think I'm going to print it out and have Geoff read it to me during labor!! Thank you for the awesome encouragement! Hope your newest little lady is adjusting well and you all are enjoying her sweetness. God bless all!!
Thinking of you, B! What an exciting time! You are in my prayers for a quick and easy delivery. Can't wait to meet the newest addition! xo.
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