T at Bike Day 2012
For the past two days, we've been dealing with an MG stomach bug. Ugh! I literally jinxed us the other day, saying to myself, "I can't believe we made it through a whole year with no one getting the stomach flu." It is rare that we escape these types of illnesses and I was incredulous we had actually done it. No sooner had the thoughts exited my feeble brain, but our little lady awoke with sickness and sadness. Yesterday was a pathetic day for her, but as of this morning she is chipper and happy and much more like her normal self.To help provide further distraction, we had a sick J enter our room at 4:30am this morning. My sleep-groggy brain was so confused as to why his pull-up had leaked on his shoulder. Gross! That wasn't urine, but vomit. Lovely. We cleaned him up and the little man crawled into bed with us (thank goodness for our king-size) and proceeded to get sick again a little while later. Props to GG for sitting up quick enough to catch it. TMI, I know, but I have to give my speedy man credit where it's due. lol. We are going to lay low this morning and hope (hope, hope) the rest of the family stays healthy!
Additional distractions include GG's continual pounding at work. Remember how I said he was finished with his big project just in time for the baby? Well, I didn't realize there are several projects on the table now and only one is letting up. Praise God for a helpful Mimi and Papa, 39-week energy, and fortitude for all of us from the Man Upstairs. He is sustaining us, no doubt. GG had 2 hours of sleep Tuesday night and 3 on Wed., worked all the remaining hours in each day and then returned at 11pm last night to spend time with me, sleep 6 (interrupted by sick J) and then arise this morning to deftly help make our morning routine fun for the boys. They were knights wielding orange juice swords to help fight off the viruses in our home. lol. He is so creative and the best daddy. We are all so blessed.
J's Bike Day 2012
In the midst of all of this, I am proud to write of one last wonderful distraction--our T man conquered two wheels last night! He was so determined to remove his training wheels, especially after Bike Day, I just had to let him try even though Daddy had to miss it. We first started with him coasting and balancing and then let him take off with pedaling. So far, so good. He did great and had a few long bouts of riding. "Can I try again tonight?!" he asked this morning. "Of course," I replied, "as long as Mommy's not in labor."Funny how that seems to be the backdrop to everything going on lately. And a backdrop it will remain... ;)
God bless on a Friday,

Oh B!!
My goodness.
Good catch, GG!
Way to go T!!
Today, I'll say it this way...
Press, crawl, waddle on, sister!
I also hope (hope, hope) that the OJ swords did their job and fought off the viruses! Great idea!
Amazing, Amazing! What else can I say except viruses, BEGONE!!!! Love to all the littles and bigs. Hang in there! God bless Mimi and Papa for helping you do just that!!
I hope and pray the virus leaves quickly! I love to read your always upbeat blog even in the midst of difficulties. It's especially helpful if I'm wallowing in self-pity over something! Can't wait to meet the newest G family member!
You are such an amazing Mama, Bethany!! I hope the sword wielding knights conquered the bug before it hits anyone else and that you have a great week. I'm thinking of you constantly! Mindy
Way to go Team G-Ville! The family togetherness and glee reflected in the video is awesome. T & M have mastered two-wheeling, now maybe J will graduate up from that teeny-tiny tricycle, ha-ha!
Keep going strong B! Glad you had some ditractions to pass the time, although probably not the type of distractions you were looking for. Way to go T on mastering the two wheeler! That's Max's goal for the summer.
or maybe not backdrop anymore! ha! amazing timing for this post. Sorry T, no bike time tonight for bmama! ;)
love you! you are amazing and i'm praying for you right now!
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