Monday, October 18, 2010

The Soccer Skinny

Basking in the sun amidst fields of soggy soccer
It was a glorious weekend to call oneself a Virginian. We undoubtedly lived up every ray of sunshine along with the 70 degree temps. Glorious! This is our reward for surviving such a brutal summer. If heaven promises to be beyond anything like this, sign me up, baby!!

As per usual, our weekend commenced Saturday morning with soccer. The boys were raring to go... M had a fun game and seemed to enjoy himself immensely. "I love Saturday because that's when I have soccer!" Fantastic. We can't argue with his spirit, exuberance, and enjoyment of the game. He is everywhere on the field--forward, mid, defense--whatever is needed!! Cute, cute!
Coach extraordinaire and son pupil

Going in for the kill

T's game was enjoyable as well, especially because 4yo's move a little slower and are a little less intense. Ahh... The perfect way to finish off the soccer morning. T played great and had some great dribble breakaways up the field only to be squelched by some ringers on the other team. Two little girls dominated and happened to be on the same rotation as T! Bummer! But hey, he had a wonderful time and really seemed to enjoy himself. That's what counts!
T's coach was really excited about his game last week. What a great guy--his wife just had a baby a week ago (their third) and here he is coaching!! Congratulations Hughes family.

We capped the weekend yesterday with the start of our at-home Catechesis with another family from church and a trip to the pumpkin patch. Pics to come! Have a blessed Monday!!


Carolina Girl said...

Ooh, those temps do sound heavenly!!
What perfect soccer weather and what a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

OH Gramz said...

Great job, M and T!! J will be next and then your heads will really spin! BTW, where was little Miss MG?

B-Mama said...

MG was snoozin' in the background. You can just make out the edge of her carseat/stroller in the photo of me and J.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers