Thursday, February 28, 2008
Oh and did you notice our sweet, little godson is screaming in the above pic, yet his godparents smile on? We do have that effect on children... and will sacrifice anything for the camera! :) lol.
Blessings to you all.
If you haven't checked it out already, head over to our latest blog venture to check out what we're eating in Gasperini-Ville! A rare glimpse into the kitchen and stomachs of the Gasperinis! What a treat.
Thanks for remembering us in your prayers this week as we travel and house hunt!
Lord, deliver us a home for our growing family!!
God bless!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A fresh layer
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Joyful Weekend
Cutie Gus in his tux at the post-baptism party!
The Princeton gang at the party. What joy to be together!
The trip couldn't have gone any smoother. Thank you for your prayers. One never knows how travels will go! Thank goodness our flights were on-schedule (and even early to arrive Saturday night!) We had no trouble meeting up with Red at the airport and driving back to her new and beautiful home! Seeing her kiddos upon arrival was such a treat--they are the sweetest, most calm kids I know. They were quick to bed after our home tour--LOVED the new place, Red! What a blessing that God has provided them such an amazing home in which to raise and grow their family!! Afterward, Red made us a wonderful dinner, also enjoyed by Red's hubby and two other dear friends, Geoff and Lauren (shown below holding baby Gus!)
We chatted until... oh 11pm or so! before breaking off into the kitchen crew (the ladies) and pontificate-at-the- table club (the gents, who incidentally were very grateful for our service, just to let you know!) How much I enjoyed cleaning up with Lauren and Red, two wonderful Catholic women, who desire to love and serve their families (future ones in Lauren's case--the wedding's in May! :) At some point the whole gang reassembled, talked some more, and then headed to bed after 1am. GG and I were zonked but so happy...Sunday morning brought with it the joy of bagel feasting, party preparation, baby washing and dressing(!)--too precious, worshiping at aTridentine Mass, and participating in our godson's baptism! Welcome to the Church, dear Augustine! Of the three babies being baptised, baby Gus was hands-down the best-behaved. We were so proud of our little man... :) One of the little ones cried the entire time (poor thing)! lol.
The post-baptism party back at Red's was a ball. The food was wonderful, company excellent, and conversation lively (as usual). How heartwarming it is to be with friends who know us well... and love us exactly how we are. Praise God for the union we have in Christ. There's truly nothing like it. It's as if time has stood still since we were last together. No awkwardness, no small talk... just goodness.
And now here we are, back again in Gasperini-Ville. We awoke this morning to ample hugs from our little M and T-baby. They surely made this mama feel very missed and loved. Unfortunately, M took out his Mommy-and-Daddy-are-gone stress on his pottytraining habits (and my poor parents) while we were away! After a month of very few accidents, he had 4 in one day! Yikes! Thankfully, we seem to be back on track today!! The boys and I had a very quiet morning together followed by a peaceful naptime. Love it.
And don't hold your breath too long... because we're off again in another 4 days! Our VA house-hunting extravaganza trip commences Friday!! Lots of prayers needed there! Dear Lord, help us find a home to bless our growing family...
In the meantime, hope you are well, dear friends, and that your week has gotten off to a brilliant start. I recommend making a list today of all the little, nagging things you need to get done and start CROSSING OFF! Nothing like it. I've been scribbling and crossing all day.
God bless you and be well.
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Precious Event
Tomorrow GG and I head out to participate in this beautiful little boy's baptism, a glorious event that will unite us as his godparents and send all of us off on the road of his Catholic journey together. Wow! Such a responsibility we have... yet one we take with utmost joy and sincerity!
The baptism will also give us the wonderful excuse of reuniting with many of our Princeton pals, who will be coming in for the festivities! What blessings!! GG and I are pinching ourselves that we'll have two whole airplane flights and one overnight without our beautiful cherubs! While I'd love to parade them around, I think it wise they're staying put. We'll be on the ground there for less than 24 hours!! Too much of a whirlwind for our precious ones. Thanks to Gramz and Pappy for pulling overtime to give us this special time away. We'll be missing those little guys something fierce, though, I tell you!
Can't wait to share precious photos on Monday... We would love your prayers for safe travels.
May God richly bless your Saturday and Sunday! Hugs and baptismal blessings!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Daddy Antics
To delight you on this Thursday morning...
Here's a glimpse of a Gasperini-Ville dinner! lol! What a good daddy, huh?!
God bless you!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Retail Therapy
A mama's gotta have some new duds!! :) Especially when her belly is beginning to blossom.
Retail therapy, here I come.
And what better a day to shop than on President's Day, to celebrate the manly men of the world, who provided so that women like me could head to the mall! lol. :)
The boys and I actually had a great morning, T-baby strapped to the umbrella stroller and M, trotting alongside while his mama shopped. We headed to Sears, where I found great sales and picked up two maternity items--a baby blue eyelet shirt for $6.99 and a cute denim sundress for $23. Not too shabby! I then fulfilled my promise to the two of them, heading straight for the kids' play area and allowing them ample time to run, crawl, slide, and climb. Afterward, we headed to the maternity shop, where I purchased the beloved "belly band" for keeping non-maternity pants "afloat" and helping to lower waistlines of too-short shirts. It is the perfect item for an in-between prego mama!
Our adventures carried us to Panera and we dined on bagels and soup while enjoying one another's company. Bravo to a wonderful morning out! We came home refreshed and renewed... yet awfully tired! The boys sleep as I type and I'm ready to zonk myself.
Of course not before my personal fashion show. Are you kidding me?!
Retail therapy, gotta love it.
God bless you on this President's Day!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Back to the Drawing Board
You have a 43% chance of having a boy. And you have a 56% chance of having a girl.
Oh Really!?! Talk about inconclusive!!! :)
Hysterical! I spared you a few due to their more graphic detail!
So there you have it... Not one step closer to an answer after all! :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Why don't you head on over for breakfast?
Wouldn't that be the greatest?
Hope you enjoy a wonderful feast day! God bless and LOVE you!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Adventures with Chuck
The boys, getting into ski ball, one of Mom's faves!
Happy to have gotten out of the house!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What we need is to love without getting tired.
-Mother Teresa
While not loving extraordinarily today, I do admit to being a bit bushed!
Off to nap while the boys will let me--hope you're having a wonderful day! God bless!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Again, hallelujah!
God bless!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
And who said...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mama Times
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A Day to Party!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Building Cathedrals--a blog on motherhood, faithfulness, and everything in-between.
Among the seven of us, we boast of over 200 months of pregnancy, 17 children (with 3 on the way!), thousands of changed diapers, 7 Princeton diplomas, and 4 advanced degrees as we humbly walk our daily vocations as wives and mothers.
Please join us on this awesome journey...
(and don't worry, I'll still be regularly reporting from Gasperini-Ville. Can't jump ship now!)
Blessings to you on this Sunday, the Feast of St. Blase.
Hope it's a great one!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Amidst a Snowglobe
The whole family has been cozied up together since awaking this morning to a real-life snowglobe. While forecasts predicted even more of the white stuff than has actually fallen (when are the predictions really correct? when??) we are still 6+ inches under and enjoying it.
The coffee is brewing, my feet are curled up in the bottom of my pant legs (too lazy to find socks), and the living room is strewn with all the toy fascinations of the morning hours. We are bundled with a few more layers (except for the feet--why are my feet always bereft?) And to top it off, GG has lingered with us rather than rush off to his law school duties.
Ahh... I could take more mornings like these.
I meant to write and report yesterday of my second and *wonderful* visit with the midwife. GG, T-baby, and I were able to immediately hear the heartbeat of our little one with the aid of the Doppler. This was such a relief and an answer to prayer. In the past, it's been difficult to track the 13-week heartrates of our little ones. Not this time! She placed the doppler wand on my belly and voila!, a heartbeat in the mid to high 160's!!
Our midwife's prediction--a girl. She has an unscientific theory that little girls are more obedient on these 13-week dopplers. She usually has to go searching for little boys. lol. :) Seems to fit the bill for us so far! The higher heartbeat is also a potential indicator for little girl status... How exciting!! While a healthy baby is our utmost hope, pink booties would be welcomed in Gasperini-Ville.
As always, my coffee is beckoning and the slow-moving morning is calling me into action.
Blessings to you on this Friday from our little snowglobe to your neck of the woods.
Wherever you are, whatever you're up to, I hope you're well. God bless.