Christmas morning I always make what I like to call my "Cheese Blintz Bake" (otherwise known as Cream Cheese Crescent Casserole). It is the easiest mix of Pills.bury crescent rolls, cream cheese, gobs of butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Delish! Talk about a temptation nightmare for the mama attempting to avoid dairy! Ahh... I'm usually so good, but I just had to snag a piece... or two. It was Christmas, for crying out loud!!
Later, I just couldn't help "sampling" the bag of M&M's leftover from M's school party. Baby G seemed to be doing well with the Blintz Bake so why not one or two or 20? The temptation was almost overwhelming. Add onto that the daily lure of caffeine in a more regular morning cup of coffee (not a usual vice) and I was really pushing the limits.
Or was I? G seemed great with no apparent skin rashes or horrible crying fits. But then, at around the 1 week mark, we started noticing some disgruntled sleep. It was not enough to force me to stop my new habits until... Bam! blood in the stool! Yep, my poor little angel finally showed visible proof that these dietary issues are hanging on. It wasn't a lot, but it was red and it looked angry. I felt immediately guilty. My poor baby!
Now I know that this sacrifice hasn't been for naught. It has truly been maintaining her little system and keeping it on track. And now I am back in the land of strictly no dairy and no soy and thankfully, I'm doing just fine. A hot fudge sundae sounds pretty amazing at this point, but then again, so does a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with almond milk. The latter I can enjoy and not harm my child in the process!
It also makes for keen New Year's resolutions! I will get to eat that sundae sometime in 2013... ;) And in the scope of life, these small sacrifices are worth it for the greater health of our family.
God bless,

Oh, I am sooo sorry!
Poor babe! And poor mama! At least now you know it was necessary. Gianna has this, and it hung on for over a year. I'd keep her diary free until she is closer to 2, and then I'd slowly introduce it, and only cultured stuff like yogurt, butter and cheese. Straight milk and ice cream is too much. I'd also consider seeing if she has the same issues with raw dairy, but not until she is older. For what it is worth, Gianna did outgrow it, but nobody in my family can have a lot of dairy w/o stomach trouble. It is sad, but true ;-(
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