How laundry piles in hallways and on couches are common.
How cluttered countertops are a given.
How random items everywhere are the norm.
How these things cause us stress, which we wish they didn't, but they do.
How on particularly tough stretches I feel... (gasp!) overwhelmed.
How I barely have time to check email, let alone write about life and post pictures on our blog these days...
But I won't. I'll spare you the pity party! Because our life is wonderful and blessed and moving forward, inch by inch. We are getting there and know this 8-month-postpartum time is the hardest for us and often when we are challenged in the greatest ways. We must bury our heads in the sand and keep pressing onward!! We also know that these souls are helping to transform our own sinful hearts, making us more holy and selfless and Christ-like. There is always work to be done.
So there's a little slice of humility from G-Ville tonight. If you've ever felt this way in your own life, you're not alone, my friend. Not alone at all.
Instead of the pity party, I'll let my dear friend, Carolina Girl, do the talking. She and I have been friends since back in our Army days when we lived across the street from one another. I love her for her kind heart and ability to find humor in everything. I can recall so many times when we chuckled together over even the mundane in our lives. She is selfless and humble and a true friend. Miss you, CG! She has the sweetest little crew and now calls Alaska home (even if for a short Army while!) Enjoy the comparison of our MG and her Li'l Bit and how they are total doppelgängers! Amazing...
God bless,

Oh B-mama! I love you and your honesty and humility. I hear you and I feel you.
Lately (well, the last two days) I'm trying to walk forward in confidence, in Him. Rather than walking forward in unrealistic and wrong expectations.
This sentiment is coming from a book I'm reading, "Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe" by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson.
Hugs to you!
Phew...thanks for admitting to having cluttered countertops and random things scattered. I love knowing other mom's have the same stresses (blessings?) that I do!
WHoo HOO! Needed to hear it today! Why does my blood boil this week every time I step on a duplo block, move yet another pile of scrap paper/precious artwork off our dinner table, or hear a request for another drink of water after the bedtime lights are out?? These moments are so precious! The three smiling culprits behind them are growing up so fast! THanks for the encouragement to love these moments for what they are, give over more of my selfishness to God and pray for an extra measure of His grace and patience.
Oh I hear you B-mama! I really feel like I can only keep us at this point- never move forward. I have all these "when I get some time" projects- like organizing the linen closet or garage type of things- that I can't image ever "having some time" for! And like you said- if we slow down the pile up is overwhelming!
But we are given new mercy every morning and grace to carry our load for that day. I recently had the thought that God picked ME to be my children's mother and that I am the one who has what THEY need. Somewhere in my scattered self is the God-given wisdom to guide and hopefully in some small way inspire these particular children, if only I would put aside sin and press on with the help of the Holy Spirit. It's nice to think that we are uniquely gifted by God to do our unique jobs. :) Thanks for keeping it real!
P.S. You and Carolina girl do have twin girls- that is amazing!!!
P.P.S.- I have now learned that having boys in a row is a whole different animal than having boy/girl/boy. It really is a different level of intensity. Bless you!
Bless you all for your kindness and compassion! Donna, love your insight all around, but your comment about boys-in-a-row intensity is especially interesting! To give you a look into our world: we hosted a couple for dinner last night and at one point, our sweet, gracious friend Jane was caught in the crosshairs of an all-out battle, complete with negotiations, treaties, and hostages. She was thankfully very understanding and thought it was hilarious--we of course encouraged the boys to continue their war upstairs away from the adults!! Welcome to my world! ;)
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