MG and I cozied up this afternoon before her nap and read a recent book favorite--Love Is a Handful of Honey, by Giles Andreae, a whimsical tale that talks of finding love in the little things. As we read, I felt God tugging on my heart, reminding me to find love in the little things around our home. It was as if each page of the story brought about a picture in my mind's eye from a true-life moment.

Love is that warm cozy feeling, A cuddle that tells you you're sweet.
We've been having lots of extra hugs all around between the people we love.
And love is that feeling of laughing out loud when somebody tickles your feet.
MG and J were on the couch yesterday just tickling and giggling. They are best frienemies, but love each other dearly. I cherish moments like these.
Love's skipping out in the morning and hoping the day never ends.
Does a 5:45am wake-up count? The two older boys were practically skipping out of their beds this morning to greet the day. So full of life and energy and ready to conquer the final day of school!
And love's what you feel when you all get together and go on adventures with friends.
Our Christmas schedule promises such fun. Tonight we head out to view the lights at the botanical gardens. Tomorrow is a special birthday dinner out for GG and Mimi. Sunday we brave Christmastown at Busch Gardens for our annual Christmas Eve-Eve adventure! We can't wait!
Love is a handful of honey, and love's making friends with the bees.
The boys and I enjoyed their classes' fun "winter parties" yesterday. It is always so neat to see them in their classrooms and meet their sweet friends. My heart was warm as we walked home.
Even the flowers are bursting with love when they're dancing about in the breeze.
Thanks to a beautiful day on Wednesday, J, MG, and our friend, Cooper, had a chance to play in the yard and roll down hills while my friend, Christy, and I chatted. It was lovely and so nice to breathe the fresh air and spend some time with good people in our life. Thanks C and C!
Love's when you can't stop describing just what you've been doing all day,
And love is when somebody quietly listens to everything you've got to say.
This is pretty much my life in a nutshell. My parents are so good to me--they have always listened to my ongoing ramblings. Mimi listens too. And don't forget my beloved GG, who is so good to listen to me after a long day of work. I am blessed. ;)
Love is a great bedtime story that takes you to faraway lands.
The boys, GG, and I have been *loving* reading The Hobbit together lately. It has been such an adventurous tale that we've all been greatly enjoying.
And love's when you want to show someone you care so you snuggle up close and hold hands.
I loved seeing my dad hold the baby today and watch as she played with his hands. They played patty cake (Pappy-style with extra rhythm) and "lean-to-the-left" (an old favorite). So sweet.
Thanks be to God for all of His Love!
We pass it onto you, dear friends, as you prepare for the holiday...
God bless,

1 comment:
We have this book too! I used to read it to Boo when he was in my belly! I think I picked it out in St Louis with a trip to Babies R Us with Sarah!
I love the way you applied it to your family!
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