GG wrapped up his big deal mid-week, which allowed him to ease up a bit by week's end. The little crew and I joined him for lunch out on Thursday and he was home by 6:15 that night! woo hoo! For some of you that might seem late, but for us, we've struck gold if we see Daddy anytime before 10pm lately. We were all really starting to miss him... Friday was even better. He came home at 3pm (!!!!) with only one work issue arising while here. It was like Christmas for me. We were all so excited, though I think GG was emotionally spent. These business deals dish out a lot of stress and anxiety and he took the rest of the weekend to recover.
Our tree is now up and beautiful. We are preparing our hearts for a Savior. The warm fuzzy jar is almost to the top (6 fuzzies to go). My parents arrive Thursday and we kick into gear our 2012 Holiday activity extravaganza Friday. More to come on that!
Sorry no pictures at the moment--Photobucket is just one extra step I don't have right now. Such a bummer about Blogger! Still haven't figured out how I'm going to handle that issue. Anyone come up with a good solution? I guess those will be good thoughts for 2013...
God bless,

The sleigh is about ready!! Can't wait!!
I hope GG is able to keep holiday hours through the new year! Enjoy your holiday extravaganza!!
I know what you mean about extra steps in the blogging process...definitely decreases the number of posts I publish. I use Picassa for our blog pictures. I think I pay $5/year but I'm really not sure.
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