"Mom, could you please just tell me where you've hidden our Christmas gifts? I promise I won't look. I just want to know."
lol I played dumb. No way, Jose!
Little does he know, unlike many of you go-getters, most of the gifts are still en route. We are slowly making progress, but doing so without feeling frantic. That's just the way I like it!
God bless,

Cute, M!
I wonder what the Elf on the shelf would say about this. Watch out, M, or a piece of coal could be in your future!! ;)
We don't do elf on the shelf around here. No fun, we are! I see it as an extra hassle and it perpetuates the Santa myth. Not that Santa is bad, but I want to do everything we can to keep bringing their little minds back to Jesus.
GG did pull the Santa card the other day in reference to naughty and nice lists. That got their attention!
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