In the last two weeks she has conquered peas, beans, carrots, and blueberries. Her body seems to be adjusting well to solids and her digestive tract actually seems happier than it was before. We are taking our time, going a full 4 days with each new food to make sure she isn't showing sensitivities. So far, so good.
She has sprouted two teeth! The first came last Wednesday and the second showed up on Sunday. Go G! We are on our way to even more solids with those good choppers.
She is clapping. It is so darn cute. She smiles and brings her hands together. She loves that it makes everyone around her so happy. We say, "Clap, clap, clap" and she performs! :)
She is sleeping... Oh, how can I say in words how happy this makes me. She is going down now between 6:30/7pm and resting until ~5:15am. I feed her and then she goes back to sleep until ~7:30am. This is perfect because it allows me to get the big boys out the door for school before she needs my attention again.
I am going to allow her the early morning feeding until 9 mos. and then we might let her CIO a little bit more. Dr. Marc Weissbluth of Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child (one of my go-to Bibles for my babies) says that after 9mos no child needs to wake to feed. For all the kids (except our sleeper extraordinaire, MG), at 9 months 1 day they were cut off from the morning feed and had to CIO. No biggie. I think T took the longest to settle ~15min. They were clearly using it for comfort!
One final accomplishment, Baby G is rocking on her knees. I've only caught her doing this in her bed while trying to go to sleep with her big sleep sack on. Seems like the sack gives her a little extra friction to allow her the leverage to get on her knees. My crew has crawled anywhere from 8 to 10 mos, so G will probably follow suit.
Advent is in full swing here in the G household. We have our outdoor lights, candles, and wreath up. Our beautiful tree is in place (thanks to GG finding us a gorgeous specimen on Sunday!!) This coming weekend we are planning to decorate and continue to prepare for our Lord. Thanks be to God.
God bless,

All great things! Love it!!
B-I love hearing all the details of your baby's sleep right now! It might seem dull to some, but for anyone with a baby, it helps so much to hear from other people--that we all go through sleep difficulties and that it does get better! I also have a copy Weisbluth on my night stand :). However, we have used the Baby Whisperer's wisdom for ending middle of the night feedings more than Weisbluth. What I like about Weisbluth is that its one book that spans all ages of sleep problems, so we have it open to infant-toddler-and-preschooler pages simultaneously sometimes! That actually helped us "diagnose" Sean's tonsil problem last year. I love talking baby sleep. I love sleeping even more though :).
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