To juxtapose the cheeriness, I give to you my Sunday confession. Today's secret sin: laundry. Lots of it. I am tempted to take a photo of our upstairs hallway, but I won't. I can't. It's too embarrassing. I have about 6 loads sitting in a pile all on top of each other.
They are cold, wrinkled, mixed-up. They stare at me every time I walk by. I have zero desire to tackle them at the moment, so there they sit. Perhaps I can convince GG to have a "laundry date" together tonight where we gaze into each other's eyes and fold socks. ;) It's so romantic. :)
Speaking of that Daddy guy, we are very glad to see him around here tonight. He has been traveling a lot lately--for both personal and work reasons--and all of us are just really glad he's home. Single parenting is not recommended. ;) It reminds me that I need to pray more for single mothers and fathers and also military families.
Off to fold... maybe. ;)
God bless and stay warm,

I love this. My sister and I just had a discussion about our "un-pinterest" homes last night and that we should start taking pictures of these moments and share them on pinterest to make the rest of the world feel better about their homes. We don't all have perfectly organized laundry schedules or refrigerators! Cody was yelling in the background "Pinterest is a load of BS! it just makes you feel bad about your house!" Anyway...thanks for keeping it real with the rest of us!
Also just read your other post-- I never liked peanut butter growing up (still don't)--not an allergy thing, i just can't stand it in my mouth. When I'm pregnant just the smell of it is enough to send me running for the nearest bucket! AND, Sean had been begging to make homemade applesauce a few weeks ago, so we put in the time coring and peeling allllll those apples, and he wouldn't even taste it when it was done! Stinker!
I invested in the apple-peeler-corer this year and ooooohhh myyyyyy! Awesome! I doubted that I neede such a devise until I literally peeled, cored and sliced 5 big apples in nearly five minutes! Homemade apple anything is super quick and easy, with less loss of the apple goodness as with normal peeling! I think I got mine on amazon for $20. The kids love using it too!
My husband has some weird aversion to peanut butter too, and neither of my kids like it. I find it to be a really weird aversion, but don't push it just in case there is some underlying reason. It sure would make pack and go lunches a lot easier though!!!
Thanks for sharing all your positive words! It is so uplifting to read and "see" how you handle so many difficult situations with such grace!
Amy B
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