Conquering our Thursday schedule today with flying colors, which included (but was not limited to) a drop-off and pick-up at taekwondo with a feeding/diapering/jammie'ing of the 3 littlest in the 45 minutes in-between. I felt like the woman. How funny to stand back and look at how the term "accomplishment" has changed for me over the course of the past 20 years. Ha! You could say the proverbial bar has gotten pretty low. Oh well! I'm still celebrating. ;)
The Wonderful:
Getting to peer into the boy's world at school today while on duty for lunch bunch. Each class covers a week of lunch duty (handing out spoons and napkins, opening yogurts, etc.) and my time slot "coincidentally" overlapped with both M and T's lunch times. What fun! I had the girls in tow in our double stroller. They sat and entertained themselves during the hour and fifteen minutes and were total gems. I knew I could count on them. Don't think for a second you can't train your kids to be patient. We are starting baby G early! It was so heart-warming to see both boys have chosen nice friends and seem to be all smiles while at school. What a treat to see them in their environment and get a few hugs from them mid-day. Their school is *awesome*--I can't say enough good things about the students and staff there. I was bowled over by the manners of the children I helped. "May I please go to the bathroom..." and "Excuse me, could you open this please... thank you". WOW. For a manners-minded mama like me, this was awesome to see! Let's hope it all rubs off on my children. ;)
The Greatest:
Possibly the biggest warm fuzzy of the day came from a brief sighting of T's kindergarten teacher. She is a fantastic lady and was M's kg teacher. T is now spoiled to have her as well. After showing her the girls, she stopped me and without prompting said, "He's the greatest." I immediately lit up with a smile--awesomeness. Nothing can make a mama heart happier than hearing someone thinks highly of your kids. God bless her. Apparently the transition to kindergarten has been a good one and T is representing our family well. She used the words "well-adjusted", "happy", "respectful" to refer to my kiddos. And all I could do was humbly say "thank you" and sing His praise. Thankfully she goes Mimi and Papa's parish so I didn't freak her out too much! ha!! :)
He's working the good in our family.
It's not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit.
Thanks be to God.
Hope you've had some Good, Wonderful, and Greatest moments today too! They seem to abound here when we're least expecting them...

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