But did I get them done right away after writing my post last night? Heavens, no!! That would be WAY too productive. :). It took all last night and all today before I finally sat down with that dreadful pile of clothes. I'll admit, I had the fear of GG coming home from work and wondering what I had done all day--that was motivation. I should qualify, he probably would not have said a word, but I would have been totally guilty anyway! They needed to get done! :)
Once I set to the task of folding, it really didn't take me that long and actually motivated me to start getting the kids' summer clothes prepped to put in boxes for the winter. This is always a huge undertaking and one that I dread, but since I was already in motion, it felt good to get started. I had already done MG's clothes last week and accomplished half of the two older boys' organizing today. Now I have to sort through their clothes from last winter and see what fits. I always cower during this process, fearing the potential spending I'll have to do to fill in the wardrobe holes. I preempted the shopping today by getting some stuff on super sale at Children's Place with an additional 20% off. Quick Internet buying tip: always search for promo codes before making your final purchase. Thanks to my online promo code find today, we saved $22 and got free shipping. Excellent. I can't tell you how much I've saved over the years doing this! I recommend it!
I should mention that in addition to putting clothes on their backs, we've added a new element to our G clan family this year--a dress code for the boys for school. I know it sounds a bit much and was harder for me to swallow at first. GG really wanted them to put their best foot forward in the classroom by having collared or plain/striped shirts and neutral pants. The free spirit in me wanted to let them choose, but then I recalled my own public school experience and years teaching and I started to warm to the idea. In fact, WAY back when I was a senior in high school, I advocated for school uniforms for students as a way to encourage student self-expression through activities involvement rather than clothes worn. When you even the playing field, money and image are not issues and students are forced to define themselves through their conduct, involvement, and chosen words. Since we've enacted this new dress code, the boys have taken to it pretty well. We stock their school drawer with approved shirts and they can choose from it as they please. By dressing for success, we're hoping they continue to conduct themselves in a respectful, considerate manner. We'll see! So far, so good... More on this tomorrow. God bless,

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