Every morning when J leaves for preschool with Papa, MG and I head out to the front porch to wave goodbye and holler good-day farewells. It is a little ritual we've fashioned over the years, with different children on the stoop. Before MG it was J and me and before that, T and me. In between, we've had various combinations of T, J, and MG, with an occasional appearance by Baby G if she's heading in for a later morning nap. It is sweet and simple and we love it.
And don't forget this guy. We always prop open the door, so he can breathe the fresh morning air and be part of the fun. He's such a good boy and never bolts, just stands there and sniffs and smiles (so we like to say). Good boy.
This morning is a more peaceful one around here after what has felt like a slammin' week. I am grateful for the chance to pause and breathe, myself. We've already had some special graces this morning-- GG found his lost wallet! I hadn't told you, but its been missing since Tuesday. After putting holds on everything and calling various places where the wallet might have been, we looked at each other this morning and decided we were going to scour the car, one last time. Not even 3 minutes in, he called out triumphantly, raising the wallet into the air. Found! Praise God! It must have slid out of a bag, across the seat, and fallen in the cranny between the seat and the side of the car. All we know is its here and we'll have no more wallet shenanigans!!
Other blessings this morning include an early morning thunderstorm, kids waking in good spirits, ready to conquer the Friday... also, the fact that its Friday. We rejoice in the thought of a calmer weekend ahead--we are learning that downtime is even more important these days. This weekend promises lots of it. Thanks be to God.
Blessings to you on this TGIF,

Rejoicing with you!!!
Such a nice tradition to send the boys off with a good day holler!
And Custer! What a sweetie!
Thanks for keeping in real with the car post. B-man is always kidding me about all of the goldfish we have stashed in the truck. Lol.
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