*a peaceful Mass shared with our little family; chilly children nestled close.
*communing with friends post-Mass
*driving home on the highway and hearing the older four chanting, "Soupy Baby Soupy Baby Soupy Baby". Don't ask. It is their beloved nickname for their littlest sister. Total smilemaker for GG and me.
*on the same drive home, hearing T's own tale of "The Stairs are Rotten". Again, don't ask. It was funny and made me laugh. ;)
*grocery shopping with Baby G strapped to my front. There is nothing like a wiggly, happy baby to bring smiles to the faces of our fellow shoppers. She was my little buddy.
*the nicest strangers who offered to watch my full cart while Baby G and I dashed to the car in a downpour. I had a flat paper bag over G's head so she stayed dry as a bone and then we pulled the car around to the kind strangers and I loaded my groceries (with their help). Were they not amazing? Such gems. Lots of smiles.
*a thundery afternoon cozying up with the boys while the girls nap. It is our second-to-last day of summer (which almost elicits tears), so we will drink in the afternoon together. GG is off to a fantasy football draft and a needed night out (smile).
*listening to my girls start to interact--MG has the sweetest baby talk to Baby G now that she can be up in the Exersaucer. They are cute cute cute... Make their mama smile a whole bunch!
Thank you, dear Lord.
God bless.

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