The boys reported a successful first day of school. I arrived to pick them up and T was already waiting, smiling and giggling with some other boys from his class. He's quick to make friends, which is always soothing to my mama heart. We also have him on alert to befriend some newer kids in the class who might not know anyone yet--one is a friend of ours from church and the other is our backyard neighbor who moved in recently. We, unfortunately, never got in playdates with either boy, so now we're encouraging T to reach out. Not like he needs anything else added to his plate, but he seems to be responding positively to everything. Here is a peek at what he brought home yesterday:
He did such a nice job coloring. We laughed that T needs to hide a few of his cards or else we'll get in trouble for not sending him to kg last year! We also laughed remembering hovering over the bottom half sheet of paper 2 years ago when M brought it home after his first day of school. It gave us such hope--we clung to the words "great first day"--what does this mean? did he do well? will he be successful? lol Such first-timers, we were! ;) |
Matthew also seemed to have a great day. It's always more difficult to extract information from him. He's my one word guy--"good" or "fine" are usually the responses I get to questions about school. But he was all smiles and said that he liked his teacher. I was really grateful for a homework activity he completed later, where he had to fill in the blanks of a paragraphs with details of his first day. Excellent mom information! :) I found out that he was disappointed when he first woke up for school because he was bummed summer was over, but that by the end of the day he said he felt "happy". He also made two new friends, said the Pledge of Allegiance first thing in class, enjoyed his grilled turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch, and that his two favorite parts of the day were lunch and recess. lol. Wonderful.
Wouldn't you know it, though, he was dragging his feet out the door this morning, wanting to stay and play at home! Crazy kid. I tried to dig a little deeper and make sure there wasn't some fear holding him back, but when I asked, "Are you nervous about something at school?" his immediate reply was, "No, I just want to stay and play with my toys." Sweet. He is my play guy--LOVES to sit and play with his legos and various collections. That, my friends, is why school is good for us (over homeschooling). It gets him out and interacting with the world because his tendencies are to stay at home where life is nice and comfortable and he rules the roost. He's my little birdie who needs a little pushing out of the nest... Fine at age 7, let's just hope not at age 25. ;) lol. Love that guy.
Now, how to motivate them to practice piano after homework, but before practices and dinner while still allowing time for precious play. That seems to be our biggest obstacle as I look ahead, but we'll figure it out...
Tomorrow, a fitness update! Insanity in full effect!
God bless,
So fun to catch these glimpses into their "life away from home"! Good luck on fitting everything in! Now to figure out how to make practicing seem like play! Good luck!!
You know piano practice was a struggle in my childhood world too! ;)
Perhaps you should incorporate Papa's "pay-for-play" technique with Papa being the sponsor!!! lol
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