Happy birthday, Grandpa Frank!! He is spry, quick-witted, and has accomplished so much in his 90 years. Most notable among his accomplishments is raising 6 beautiful children (5 girls and 1 boy), who are all remarkable individuals (our Mimi included!) with vibrancy and strong character. They are a fun, fun bunch and seeing them together makes me thrilled to see what our kids will be like when they're grown. Grandpa Frank is also a math and engineering whiz and is responsible for the design and implementation of Naval submarine missiles. Wow! We tell the boys they have strong engineering, math, and science genes in their court! ;) Lucky kids!
How much we wish we could be out in California amidst beautiful sunshine tonight to celebrate. Alas, the video will have to do. I'll post it when its finished... (Unfortunately it is also taking ages to upload all of our footage! This could be quite a project! ;)
We are well here in G-Ville. Baby G is grabbing her feet and being a ham with her siblings. MG's favorite word is "no", but she says it with such cuteness and flair on her way to time-out. J's favorite game these days is "harass the sister" in any way he can. Tonight it was chasing her around the house with a diaper box on his head. Off to time-out he went as well. ;) T is specializing in potty talk these days and his favorite word is four letters: p--p. He'd love to use it in every sentence, but unfortunately (and fortunately) he can't or else it's off to time-out for him too. And M, well, M is a masterful piano avoider. He is up there with the best of 'em, managing in some way to avoid practicing no matter how much afternoon time remains. Because I am often running every which way and then attempting to get dinner on the table, my follow-through stinks. Must. get. on. the. piano. horse! Thankfully, he is doing a wonderful job with his school work so I can't complain too much! ;) And he just graduated to level 3 for piano--our teacher repeatedly asks him how old he is because he can't believe he's only 7 and in level 3. That doesn't mean he likes it any better, though! That is, not until he's mastered a song and then he'll play it for hours. ;)
So there's the behind-the-scenes look at G-Ville tonight. Pretty funny as I read back through it. No facades here. Just life. And a lot of Grace, thanks be to God.
The footage is done loading, so I'm off to edit as the house is now quiet as a mouse. GG must have fallen asleep with one of the boys... It's a perfect night for rest.
God bless,

1 comment:
Breathless in Daytona!! A blessed happy birthday to Grandpa Frank!!
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