In the end, I also got a second opinion from an awesome top ped. doc in our area (who happens to be the husband of a good friend and all-around great person). We chatted last night and he spoke what my heart needed (and wanted) to hear: breast-feeding is the best option for us right now. Praise God. He doesn't even do heme tests on baby diapers because they don't tell him anything; they can't reveal the source of the bleeding. He looks at the baby and how she's doing. He talked through the knowns: 1) she's gaining weight, 2) she's happy and not in distress, 3) she's sleeping well, and 4) she's nursing beautifully and receiving the best nourishment there is. If she does, indeed, have intestinal irritation, then we just have to watch out for a chronic case of blood streaks in the diaper. Otherwise, we are in the clear and I can continue to feed her as I've been doing! Awesome awesomeness.
Had he agreed with my ped., we would have dropped everything and stuck with the plan, no matter how miserable it was. But he didn't and we really trust his judgement. He's so reasonable and encouraged me to go back to our ped. and explain the emotional strife we were experiencing. We went from a happy, healthy, content baby to one who was distraught over not being able to nurse to the point of not taking in enough food! I am going to approach the issue with her next week and explain that I got a second opinion (as she suggested I could do) and am proceeding with that course of action; how we still very much respect her as a physician and would love to stay on under her care. I am praying she'll still have us and support us, otherwise we'll be looking for a new doc. And very sadly because we love our pediatric practice! I'll keep you updated.
Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and suggestions. You all made me realize that this wasn't necessarily the ONLY option for us; we had a say in our future course of action (at least on this issue). You were a lifeline, so thank you!
And I sat on the soccer sidelines today and nursed my baby, I had a happy heart, knowing we're doing what's best for her right now at this moment. If in two months she starts having more difficulty, we'll tackle that then, but for now I'm going to enjoy it!
God bless,

YAY! When Mama and baby are happy, everybody's happy!!
What a happy relief! What a great resource to have in your friend as well! Praying Baby G continues to show healthy signs of growth and development so you can continue nursing her and giving her all the good stuff!!
oh, how wonderful it is to read this, B! And I'm imagining you giving all sorts of wonderful advise to moms out there with similar problems in the future.
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