Hello friends and loved ones... So nice to have you here to report to at the end of a long day. I am in need of a sounding board, so thank you, in advance, for being just that!
Today we got the wonderful news that Baby G is growing beautifully. She is 60th% for height, 45th% for weight, and 90th% for head circumference (she gets it from her mama ;). While at her 4 month check today, she absolutely charmed the pants off the doc. She was laughing, smiling, and talking with our pediatrician, wiggling all around, and just being all-around adorable. The doc swept her up after the exam and carried her on her hip to finish her notes. Meanwhile, G kept trying to steal pens out of the doc's coat pocket. Cute! She got compliments for her advanced fine motor skills ;).
All this to say, she's doing really great and we THANK THE GOOD LORD for this. It is such a blessing and one that I don't take lightly. We are so very very blessed and we know it.
But (you knew it was coming) it the midst of this wonderful visit, we got the news that she is still testing heme-positive in her diapers. And when I say positive, we're talking immediately and strongly blue for the results. Seriously? I almost fell out of my chair, I was so surprised. This is after 3 months of being dairy-free and now 2 months soy-free. I really thought we had turned a corner and were seeing more positive results from her--less mucous in the stools, less green, etc., etc. It was a total downer to hear. But then came the ultimate downer--I have to stop breast-feeding. Bummer of all bummers.
The bottom line is that my breastmilk is not good for my baby. It causes her intestines to bleed. For her to continue bleeding could make her more susceptible to future colitis, anemic from the blood loss, and generally, jeopardize her growth. We obviously don't want that.
Breast-feeding is all I know how to do. It's what I do with my babies for the first 12 months of their lives. It's what I've done through four children. I know how to do it better than a lot of other things. And now I have to start over. I don't know how to do that. I feel like I'm coming home from the hospital for the first time ever with a newborn. No more experience to fall back on, just a wide-eyed mama with no clue.
In addition, I am going to try to pump through the next two weeks to the next heme test, where if her intestines have healed enough, we *might* get to add breast-feeding back in a little bit to see if the healing is all she needed. So now, in addition to learning how to bottle feed (and get her to drink the stuff, which proved to be a challenge tonight!), I also have to manage pumping and keeping my milk supply up. Yikes! I'm definitely stressed at the thought. Instead of heading out now with my nursing cover in tow OR packing a bottle to feed, I am going to have to pack said bottle and schlep my pump. And since I have to pump more frequently, the schedules will no longer be concurrent or easy to follow. Oh, and how am I supposed to do this with 4 other kids in tow?????
I flipped out tonight a little (okay, maybe a lot :) to Geoff. Poor guy. He bears the brunt of all the extra the world doesn't see. Isn't that the beauty and the curse of spouses? They are there for us, but then we save our garbage for them. Sorry, hon! My external processing got the better of me. I will say, he was very calm and handled it well, coaching me through. Good man. The most frustrating part of our "discussion" was that baby G was rejecting the bottle the entire time. I then ended up pumping and putting half formula/half breastmilk in, which she seemed to enjoy much more than solely formula. Still, I only got 3 oz. in her! Tonight should be interesting, to say the least.
So that's my story tonight. I have to press on, just when we were really starting to find our groove. It's a bummer, but there are many disappointing things in life and we don't always get our way. For now I ask for your prayers as we surmount this little bump in the road. I know as I type this is SO SO small potatoes, but it is still challenging and I could still use some assistance from the Big Man for peace throughout. Thank you so much!
Keep on, keeping on.
God bless,