Our Engaged Encounter weekend was SO good... I mean, like really good.
The new outline set us up for such success. The Holy Spirit was present and working, people. The couples raved and never faltered. It was really cool for GG and I to be part of something so much bigger than us... Ahh... God is good.
And now we are back, loving and laundering and living out the life we talked about all weekend. It is a blessed life, for sure, but have I mentioned how challenging meeting the needs of four souls can be? While carrying a fifth?? Whew! They are wonderfully overwhelming.
I love each of my little souls so uniquely too. They are a trip every day. MG has now adeptly mastered the straight back when being put into her car seat. I literally have to force all of my weight on her to get her to bend so I can do the buckles... T came down with a staff infection on his face--lovely. We are tackling that head on. Custer boy has the runs--I have been nursing him today with brown rice and chicken. Even when sick, though, he is a dear, dear dog. M mastered his first tae-kwon-do yellow belt routine--the teacher was so jazzed he caught on so quickly. Also, J refuses to comply with my wishes, until the threat of time out causes him to turn things around and do a perfect job. It's all about the wills, little lovable stinker. And my grandma has been admitted to the hospital for fluid in her lungs. Love you, gramcracker!
Just another week in the life of G-Ville.
God bless,

oh, B'...praying for your Grams. hugs dear girl! you amaze me!
I'm so glad the weekend was awesome!
I'm laughing about MG b/c Lil Bit is the same way!!!
Way to go M!
I hope your grandma is doing much better after treatment.
My pediatrician told me that when they do the straight back in the carseat you should use your thumb and index finger to push on their hips - it doesn't hurt and they can't help but bend so you can buckle them. Works like a charm!
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