GG and I opened our hearts and our marital bed last night to an old friend...
Snoog (aka. Mr. Snoog, The Snoog, Snoog-Dog, or Snoogle)
Hey buddy, good to see you. It's been awhile.
Snoog is my beloved pregnancy pillow, purchased way back in 2004 for my first go 'round and has been golden ever since. My most vivid memory with Snoog was on a cross-country roadtrip with GG at 30 weeks. We stopped at a divey motel to catch a few winks before hitting the road and making it to Virginia from Colorado in less than 24 hours. (Oh what we could do back before having children!) As we laid down to sleep, GG and I burst into laughter at the absurdity of our situation. He, Snoog, Custer, and (very pregnant) I were all packed into a full-size bed with absolutely NO room to move. Our room was right next to a 24-hour gas station that caused Custer to bark every few minutes thanks to the noise. The sheets smelled and were scratchy. lol. It was pretty awful and very funny--Snoog was there right with us! :)
So last night when I laid down to bed and could barely move thanks to some intense round ligament pain, I sent GG up to the attic to retrieve my old pal. Moving hurt. Stretching hurt. But Snoog made it all better--5 minutes and I had no pain! Thanks, buddy!! I slept so well. Unfortunately, though, it's back this morning. Sitting here typing, I'm trying not to move too much to induce the sharp aches. Baby G is growing, for sure. I guess this means a workout is out of the question! Aww, shux! :) Maybe I'll just go back and lie down...
Thankfully, though, there are a few bright spots around the house this morning.
Namely this little lady in her new ladybug outfit (thanks to G and P).
God bless this Friday,

Miss Ladybug makes me go "awwww"!! Mr. Snoog is another story. LOL...glad "he" can help you, though, and that MG is feeling more like her sweet self!
Snoog looks kinda gross sitting on the bed like that.
GG, lol
When my prego pillow moves in the bed, B-man moves out! Poor guy! Those pillows ARE amazing!
MG is SO cute...would love to get our girls together if we ever get the chance! Also, my husband does not have such fond thoughts about my prego pillow...he shuddered when we brought it out for #2 and celebrated when we packed it away!
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