With every baby comes a room change in our world, leaving me flailing as to how to decorate spaces on a dime. I had heard of people using shower curtains as window treatments and so set out on a mission to find cheap drapes for a new room soon to be occupied by our 1yo daughter and 3yo son. There are 3 windows in the room, 32" x 65" or so. We priced out unlined drapes at PBK and would have spent at least $250 to get a product that wouldn't block the sun and wasn't all that interesting pattern-wise.
You can imagine my elation out shopping at Tar.get, when I found these clearance shower curtains, lined and in beautiful masculine/feminine patterns:
I got them for a steal at half off: $15/ea and took them home to set to work. Mind you, this is an EASY DIY--I am no seamstress. Anyone who can sew a hem can do this. You could also work it with sewing glue if you don't sew. It's definitely not rocket science!
I first cut my curtain in half--the dimensions are 72" x 72", so I knew I'd have plenty of curtain to cover my windows.
You'll now have two separate panels, each with a rough edge.
You can lay the other panel aside. Don't forget to be cute while being crafty--a definite plus!
Mama's best helper
Now fold once and twice on your rough edge and pin. You'll want to have 1/4" to 1/2" stitch allowance.
Then set to sewing your seam.
When you're done, admire your work, then set to hanging. I used shower curtain hooks and slipped them right through the holes at the top of each panel.

Voila, curtains!

Take that, PBK!
Looks fantastic! You know I am a fan of shower curtain curtains. :) Most of the seams are already done for you and there really are some great shower curtain fabrics out there. Great job! And how in the world are you already 26 weeks???
Love those 2 patterns together! Great job!! Excited to see the finished product!
Awesome!!! That's a great find...coordinating shower curtains perfect for a boy and a girl! They look great!
Doesn't it feel so good to do something thrifty and fabulous??
Those are fantastic! Great find and talent!
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