Monday, August 8, 2011

From the Front Lines

*Note to readers of delicate constitution, this is a potty post! You've been warned!

We're hunkering down here in G-ville.
"Doing what?" You ask.

Here's a clue:
Photos like this one will be perfect for blackmail in 20 years! :)

I'll have you know, potty training makes my overall bad list of Mommy To-Do's. I don't love it because I don't think I'm that good at it and my kids never seem to catch on quickly. It takes effort and persistence and LOTS of extra mommy encouragement and sometimes, I just don't have it in me!! So I avoid it as long as possible. For J, we're embarking on PT bc he's now 3 and seems to be mature enough to use the potty.

So how's it going? So far, so okay. Saturday was day 1 and I was pumped because GG was around for extra Daddy encouragement. J ended up with 2 pee pee accidents toward the end of the day. Not bad for day one. Yesterday was great--J made it through the whole day, including Mass, with oodles of pee pee successes, one accident while playing outside at the end of the day, but no sign of #2! I was starting to get worried about things backing up in there (if you know what I mean).

I awoke to day #3 today feeling especially motivated--it was going to be a really good day. J was dry all morning, even throughout his time at our gym child watch. Excellent! On the way home, we stopped to refresh our potty treats. This was going to ensure success. Before lunch I made him sit for awhile to see if we could initiate #2... but then remembered that most of that kind of business seems to happen after lunch. So I let him off the potty to eat and then somehow got distracted with the other kids (can you blame me?) and never had him sit back down. BIG MISTAKE! Off J went to play and sure enough, a few minutes later, out he came walking funny with #2 in his underwear! Ugh!! Since then, we've had another #1 accident too!! Taking a big nose dive...

I am scrambling to recover and wondering if we should just scrap the whole thing. Breathe, breathe. We can do it... we can do it... we can do it!

I'll report in again from the front lines when this is "over". Is it ever really over?
God bless,


FL M said...

Motherly advice: Build on his successes! Go J!! (no pun intended) It's time...and with your clock in gear (and the treats)he'll be on board in no time!!!

Uncle C said...

Like the iPad hahaha

vaMama said...

Don't give up on yourself or J, B-Mama. You can conquer this!!!! Continue to take those occasional deep cleansing breaths to reset your fervor. How about setting the kitchen timer as a reminder for the next time you want King J's to sit on his Royal Throne?

Hi, Uncle C!

Carolina Girl said...

You can do it!! He can do it! I bet having all of the big boys in the house going on the potty will help him tremendously.

Not to discourage you, but we're STILL working on it here...almost a year later. Mostly he just doesn't want to stop what he's doing to go.

B-Mama said...

Thanks for the encouragement, you all! Carolina, the problem you're having seems to persist even years later at our house. I am constantly watching the potty dance in M. Just go to the bathroom, for crying out loud! :)

Off to a good start today. We'll see how long it lasts... ;)

Christy said...

I'm with you. I think potty training is the worst. So, I'm wondering how the past few days have gone... I'll wait to hear what worked/didn't work for you, then I guess I'll have to start it here. Ugh.

Teacher-Mom said...

You can do it! Just think of the end result- no diapers (well for him anyway)! It's such a wonderful, free feeling! Stick to your guns and be patient with him and yourself. It isn't just going to happen overnight. He has two awesome big brothers to look up to. Good luck!

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