Monday, November 9, 2009

When Grandparents Come to Stay...

We get to dress up for Halloween again... and go "trick-or-treating" in the house!

We get to play with our blue-eyed Pappy (thanks for our recessive baby blues, Pap!)

We all laugh a lot. We're lucky to be so funny and entertaining to our Gramz and Pappy even though we whine and cry a fair amount. :)

And we're loved a whole lot... thank goodness!!

My parents are here and we are blessed. They stayed with the boys this weekend while GG and I co-led our first Engaged Encounter weekend here in town! It was a smashing success, that is until I developed weird abdominal pain and cramping yesterday morning and we had to ditch and head to the ER. I'm glad to report they found nothing of interest and wrote off my pain as "unexplained intestinal symptoms". Perhaps a bug?? Perhaps the retreat food did my body wrong?? Who knows! All I know is that its good to be home and in the care of my wonderful parents. We are always well when they're here...


orahoods said...

I love seeing your parents! They look great! FYI: I had some weired abdominal pains/cramping late last spring and found out a month or so later that I was pregnant;) Hope you're feeling better!

Donna said...

Precious pics. So sorry about your ER visit- I'm sure it was nerve-wracking. Congrats on your first EE weekend- I LOVE that ministry and am so grateful for people like you who choose to serve the Church in this way! Thank you!

T. Armstrong said...

Fabulous! Grandma's and Grandpa's are the best! Isn't it so fun to see that relationship between them develop! Great pictures!

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